Monday, May 21, 2012

Looks Are Deceiving

So, I've already stopped making posts on a regular basis.  I guess that's to be expected--being a lawyer AND a new father makes life busy.  But here I am, at least for now!

My post today is short and sweet.  It's a gentle to reminder to society that lawyers are people, too.  People often like to joke with me about how greedy and uncaring lawyers are.  Of course, that's a stereotype.  But in fairness to them, stereotypes often exist because there is a kernel of truth to them.  And there is.  However, consider these things:

1) The pressure on lawyers is intense.  A few years ago, the average attorney was $80,000 in debt from law school.  Even if they're getting paid more than other professions, they must incur high debts to play the game.

2) Not all lawyers are paid well, especially when you divide their salaries by the number of hours they have to work.  The reason why attorneys seem distant (or don't return your phone calls as often as you think they should) is because they're working 60 hours a week, often on very arcane matters.  And not only are they working those hours, but their work doesn't end even on vacation for many lawyers.  The legal field never sleeps.

3) The work isn't as riveting as it is portrayed by Hollywood.  Most of it is very mundane.  Don't get me wrong.     I love many aspects of my job, but most people don't have lives like Jack McCoy's.  (And if you notice carefully, even the prosecutors in "Law & Order" are constantly depressed and drinking...there's some truth to that. That segues into my last point.)

4) Some evidence that being a lawyer is tough can be seen in the percentage of alcoholics in the legal profession compared to other professions.  It's very high, and it's sad to see.  That's why I always tell people to choose carefully when they tell me they're considering being a lawyer.  I don't necessarily try to discourage them, but I want them to make an informed decision.

So next time you are thinking of cracking a lawyer joke, please think twice.  Lawyers are people too!