Saturday, April 28, 2012

The World Isn't Always Fair

No, this post isn't about a "major" world problem (that's for another day).  But I'm a NBA fan (I may not be a gifted basketball player, but it holds a special place in my heart as my favorite sport), and today Derrick Rose was knocked out for the rest of the playoffs with a torn ACL.

This is a shame not only for this young man, but also the NBA and society.  In a culture that prides itself in coddling prima donnas, and raising them as the ideal to which we should aspire, Derrick Rose was a superstar who was humble.  He gave back to his local community, didn't seek the spotlight, and had a team that played as a cohesive unit.  (They were 18-9 when he was injured during the regular season, and tied the Spurs for the best record in the league, despite Rose's nagging injuries.)  You don't see players of his caliber being such a good role model to young people, and this looked like the year where they could win it all.  Instead, now it appears that the Heat should advance to the NBA Finals easily.  The Bulls might be able to win in the short run against the Pacers, and maybe against the Celtics in the second round, but it would be extremely difficult for them to beat the Heat based on how well Lebron James is playing.  Lebron might be playing at the best level of his career, and the team is molding around his personality, much as they did in Cleveland with worse talent.

I'll be sad if the Heat win the title this year.  Unlike many, I don't hate Lebron, but I would like him to eat some humble pie and not win some titles for a few years.  How he treated the Cavs and created a circus to boost his ego was something he should be ashamed of.  However, we all do things we shouldn't, and I think he's a good image for the NBA for the most part.  Also, he plays hard on both ends of the floor, and he passes and buys into the team game.

But let's not forget that a humble guy like Derrick Rose went from being so close to achieving one of his dreams, to having to deal with a major sports injury that might never fully heal.  Rose's game is based on explosiveness that others simply cannot match, and an ACL injury might take away his strongest weapon.  I still remember when I broke my elbow and my college would not let me play in the biggest match of my tennis career (I played for a small non-Division I school).  I was finally going to be able to play for my team in a match that would determine my conference championship, after working years to get to that plateau.  I don't pretend that my tribulation was anywhere near Rose's, as he plays at such a higher level, but it does make me not only empathetic to his plight, but also sympathetic.  I really do wish he recovers quickly, not only to continue being such a role model for children, but also for himself.

Friday, April 27, 2012

So, I decided to start a blog.  I used to blog a long time ago when I was in the middle of my college (i.e., undergrad) years, but I got out of it.  I enjoy writing (as I should, since as a lawyer I'm in many ways a professional writers), and we only live once, so here I am.  Hopefully I keep up with this.  Life is full of things to do, and we must prioritize.  Anyhow, I look forward to reading others' blogs and interacting with you!